§ 6.04.230. Multiple animal site permit.  

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  • A.

    Any person intending to exceed the maximum limit of dogs and cats in a household as defined in Section 6.04.210 shall obtain a multiple animal site permit.


    All dogs and cats at a multiple animal site shall be licensed, spayed or neutered and have current vaccinations. The only exception would be an animal which is unable to be sterilized due to medical reasons. The owner must present valid veterinary certificate as defined in Subsection 6.04.210(A)(a)(1) of this chapter. This does not waive the reclaim fee.


    Fostering a pregnant dog or cat and her eventual offspring is a temporary exception to this rule.


    Adjoining property owners may petition the City Manager for a revocation, modification or suspension of a multiple animal site permit if the adjoining property owner is reasonably aggrieved by any effects of the multiple animal site.


    No person shall keep or maintain more than fifteen (15) dogs or cats or any combination thereof at any multiple animal site permit location, no more than two (2) of which can be unsterilized.


    The area provided for the dogs and cats whether in secure runs, kennels or security perimeter fence must be as follows:


    Seventy-five (75) square feet of area shall be provided for each dog weighing less than thirty (30) pounds;


    One hundred (100) square feet for each dog weighing between thirty (30) and fifty-nine (59) pounds;


    One hundred twenty-five (125) square feet per dog over sixty (60) pounds; and


    Twenty-five (25) square feet of space per cat excluding the area occupied by the litter box.


    Dogs may not be secured on a trolley system.


    Upon presenting proper identification and at a reasonable hour, a representative of the Animal Protection Department shall be allowed access to any permitted premises for the purpose of inspection on an annual basis or upon reasonable notice. Permits may be suspended for failure to comply with the requirements of this chapter, as well as for violation of other applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.


    Rescue animals shall be exempt from the fee for a multiple animal site permit while in the custody and care of the rescue organization or individual. Accurate records shall be kept and maintained by the rescue organization or individual, and a City of Hobbs Animal Protection Officer or other City official shall be permitted at any reasonable time to inspect such records and the rescue animals' living conditions.

(Ord. No. 1024, 11-2-2009)